vacuum parts and kits, 971462630

Spare parts and kits

Protect your vacuum equipment by using genuine Leybold spare and wear parts

Our genuine spare parts fit your vacuum pump perfectly to ensure high reliability, performance, and a long service life. 

To ease your workflow and ensure you have everything you need for your pump, we put together spare parts vacuum pump kits for specific maintenance activities.

Genuine spare parts for your vacuum pump

Your pump is delivering top performance day in and day out. Full functionality demands precise matching and accurate coordination between each individual component. For this reason, demand the genuine spare and replacement parts so that you can be sure to attain optimum performance, quality and cost effectiveness.

Our original spare parts offer more than simply a supply of repair components.

Long lifetime

Long lifetime

All materials as well as the components for maintenance, repair and refurbishing are subject to stringent quality requirements. In doing so, we ensure the long life and trouble free operation of your vacuum equipment. 

Practice oriented

Practice oriented

For defined maintenance and repair work we have put together functional spare parts kits so that you will have all the necessary materials readily at hand and can run this work as easy as possible. Nothing can be forgotten, and your pumps will be fit again for a lengthy period of trouble-free operation (e.g., maintenance kit for filter exchange).



With our global service and sales network, we ensure a high level of availability of our original parts for our worldwide customers. 

Long lifetime

All materials as well as the components for maintenance, repair and refurbishing are subject to stringent quality requirements. In doing so, we ensure the long life and trouble free operation of your vacuum equipment. 

Practice oriented

For defined maintenance and repair work we have put together functional spare parts kits so that you will have all the necessary materials readily at hand and can run this work as easy as possible. Nothing can be forgotten, and your pumps will be fit again for a lengthy period of trouble-free operation (e.g., maintenance kit for filter exchange).


With our global service and sales network, we ensure a high level of availability of our original parts for our worldwide customers. 

vacuum parts and kits, 971462630

Où trouver et acheter les pièces détachées et les kits pour pompes à vide ?

Kits de réparation de pompe à vide de haute qualité, pièces détachées pour pompes à vide et filtres à huile pour les différents modèles de pompes ainsi que pour une large gamme d'applications

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Online shop
General service brochure

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General service brochure

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Which oil is compatible with my vacuum pump?

Contact Leybold


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