粗真空區域 (1013 至 1 mbar)
中度真空區域 (1 至 10-3 mbar)
針對抽排此壓力區域中的大量氣體,蒸氣噴射幫浦顯然是最適合的產品。使用水銀蒸氣噴射幫浦可以產生完全無油的真空。需要注意的是,建議插入以液態氮冷卻的冷阱,以防有害的水銀蒸氣進入容器中。對於在 a) 之下說明的中度真空吸附阱,可以使用雙級段迴轉葉片幫浦來產生低於 10-4 mbar 的幾乎無油的真空。
使用吸附幫浦可在中度真空區域中產生絕對無油的真空。由於這些適用於質輕惰性氣體的幫浦的抽氣動作很小,一開始時填充空氣的容器只能由這些幫浦抽真空至約 10-2 mbar。然後只有在要抽排的混合氣體中不存在氖或氦的情況下,才能透過吸附幫浦產生 10-3 mbar 或以下的壓力。在此類行況下,先在容器中充滿氮氣然後再將它抽出,對於排出空氣而言很有用。
高與超高真空區域 (< 10-3 mbar)
Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology
Download our e-Book "Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology" to discover vacuum pump essentials and processes.
- Vacuum symbols
- Glossary of units
- References and sources
Vacuum symbols
A glossary of symbols commonly used in vacuum technology diagrams as a visual representation of pump types and parts in pumping systems
Glossary of units
An overview of measurement units used in vacuum technology and what the symbols stand for, as well as the modern equivalents of historical units
References and sources
References, sources and further reading related to the fundamental knowledge of vacuum technology