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Remote Connectivity, GENIUS Instant Insights


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為什麼您應該要連線至 GENIUS Instant Insights™?

The most common causes of pump failure are now predictable.




1. Maximize Uptime: Uptime is increased when we have the chance to take preventative actions before failures happen.

2. Minimize maintenance cost: with GENIUS, vacuum pumps are serviced when maintenance is needed, avoiding larger failures and service costs in the future.  

3. Accessible and mobile 24/7: When pumps are connected to the GENIUS portal there is no need to stand in front of the machine to get important updates, everything is accessible and stored safely online. 

1. Reduce downtime: Production downtime can be avoided when pumps are well maintained. GENIUS Instant Insights™  tells you when to perform service, based on the pump operating profile, keeping your pumps in good health.

2. Lower risk of production losses: With GENIUS, vacuum pumps are  continuously monitored and at any indication of failure, an alert can be addressed to the concerned people and a solution can be put in place.

3. Scheduled maintenance: When your pumps are connected to GENIUS, you can plan downtime for maintenance and align it to your production schedule. 

1. Less energy consumption: Pumps connected to the GENIUS Portal deliver transparency about energy consumption and cost, all while sending you recommendations increasing your energy efficiency.

2. Lower CO2 footprint: By becoming more energy efficient, your vacuum pumps will also reduce their CO2 output, helping contribute to your sustainability targets.

3. Compliance: Waste reduction through a more efficient pump operation will help you to be more compliant with local regulations.

One of the many benefits of GENIUS is that information on your pump’s performance is safely stored on the Cloud, so you can access it at any time, from anywhere. We know how important data safety and cyber security is and have put safety measures in place to ensure that your data is as secure. 

We use the latest technologies, experienced partners, and managed data access to protect your data. Our main development partner is ISO 27001 certified. We also use additional measures, such as PEN-tests, to keep your data secure. 

No risk for your internal networks: data transfer with secure cellular mobile technologies using a dedicated gateway. Plus, GENIUS is completely independent from your internal networks (like WIFI and LAN). 

State-of-the-art encrypted data transfer: all data communicated to the Cloud is encrypted with state-of-the-act asymmetric encryption, and only trusted devices can communicate with the Cloud.  

Managed data access: access to data limited to you and selected ACG employees engaged in providing you a better service and helping you to operate your pumps better. 

Experienced partners along the value chain: such as, Sierra Wireless, Microsoft Azure, OrangeNEXt and Vodafone. 

360° 概覽

The GENIUS Instant Insights™ Portal gives you important insights into the pumps’ operation such as: 

icon of a termoscope


Indicates the overall status of your pumps, including running hours, temperature, and service status.



Indicates the percentage availability of your vacuum pumps installation, so you can count on it for steady production.



The time that the pump runs producing the desired vacuum.



Gives you clear inputs about the energy consumption of your vacuum pump and it’s impact on the environment.

mobile alerts


Flags notification of potential failures and service requirements. The alerts can be programmed to be sent through SMS, WhatsApp or e-mail to all relevant contacts in your organization in real time.

GENIUS Instant Insights™ - 客戶見證

In June 2020, our Customer Center in Germany installed 5 GENIUS Instant Insights™ boxes on five Dry Vacuum Pumps during the pilot phase of the connectivity project. The customer is a leading manufacturer in Germany. The result was outstanding. The customer was delighted when in early September they received a critical level alert on an e-mail from the GENIUS Instant Insights™ portal.

This was our first installation of the remote monitoring GENIUS Instant Insights™ system on the client side. The client was aware that given the number of machines involved, the system would have to be complex. They concluded that GENIUS Instant Insights™ would be up to the task and gave it a try. The results surprised them beyond expectation. The early warning messages and information helped them in lowering downtime.

“The pre-filter in the water circuit was almost completely blocked. We were able to recognize this immediately from the pressure display on the GENIUS Instant Insights™ portal and changed the corresponding pre-filters. 20 minutes of downtime, but our process could continue to operate without any loss of material. I have now included our operators in the notification list for alerts. They are grateful for such a valuable input, as it prevents unpleasant tidying up (e.g., shoveling 20 tons of glass after breakage). A clear indication that this system is indeed useful for us.”

“All these machines need to work specifically and shouldn’t delay my production. I never wanted a long-term production loss, so when they said we want to install this, I said, “Yes, of course”. We had installed a new pump system in 2018. We had never used a dry vacuum pump before; we used to use an oil-based vacuum pump. So, I wanted to know if there is a possible failure mode. These machines have several parts; using this monitoring system, I get pre-warning about pretty helping details. Those early messages in my e-mails help me a lot.” 

如何將您的幫浦連線至 GENIUS

There are three different ways to connect your pumps.


請洽詢您的機器銷售人員,瞭解 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 是否與您要購買的機型相容。

配備智慧型控制器的真空幫浦:可透過 LAN,或在啟動幫浦期間安裝 GENIUS Box 套件,以連線至 GENIUS 入口網站。

無智慧型控制器的真空幫浦:可向我們的工廠訂購預先安裝 GENIUS Box 套件的幫浦。 

GENIUS 套件也可由我們的維修工程師或授權經銷商安裝。

我們可以在正常保養訪視期間安裝 GENIUS,這代表安裝無需額外費用。平均約需要 30 分鐘,即可讓您的真空幫浦與 GENIUS 入口網站進行完整的通訊。 


當您向我們的工廠預訂真空幫浦的主要維護時,您可以要求服務供應商安裝 GENIUS Box 套件,無需額外的安裝費用。

您取回真空幫浦時,幫浦便已可與 GENIUS 入口網站通訊。您從工廠取回幫浦後的第一天開始,便可隨時瞭解幫浦的狀況,而且最棒的是可在您方便時進行!

GENIUS Instant Insights™

透過 GENIUS Instant InsightsTM 入口網站,您也能彈性地決定要查看的幫浦內容詳細程度。

GENIUS Instant Insights 程序


*Free access to the connected vacuum pump is always available with ACCESS level


Common questions about GENIUS Instant Insights™

Explore the answers to some of the most popular questions other customers have had. Didn’t find your question in the list? Then just reach out to the local expert in your region by filling out the form below. 

1. 什麼是 GENIUS Instant Insights

GENIUS Instant Insights 是一種遠端連線能力解決方案,透過監控可能導致機械故障的關鍵事件,協助客戶讓他們的真空產品實現更高水準的運行時間、可靠度與效能。 

2. 為什麼我應該將機器連線至 GENIUS Instant Insights


此外,透過 GENIUS Instant Insights,您可以進一步瞭解真空裝置的能源消耗與 CO2 排放情形,支援您的企業實現永續目標。

3. 我該如何讓我的幫浦啟用 GENIUS?

您可以透過不同的方式,讓您的機器連線至我們的雲端平台 GENIUS Instant Insights 並進行遠端通訊。

購買新機器時,您可以向銷售代表詢問是否可從工廠啟用連線能力。因為不是所有的真空幫浦技術都能從生產線搭載此功能,在這種情況下,您可以向銷售代表索取與 GENIUS 售後套件的相關資訊。在啟用幫浦期間,可由我們的現場維修工程師或授權經銷商安裝這些套件。

在現場或在我們的授權工廠進行保養維護時,也可以為您安裝 GENIUS Box 套件。

此外,若您與我們有生效的服務合約時,預設便會安裝 GENIUS Box 套件,但若不適合您,也可以隨時選擇取消安裝。

4. 我可以在哪裡看到連線的幫浦?

所有透過 GENIUS Box 與 Genius 雲端通訊中的幫浦都會顯示在 GENIUS Instant Insights 入口網站上。 

5. 取得 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 入口網站存取權限

前往 https://genius.leybold.com,依照下列指示建立存取權限

6. 要多久時間才能在 GENIUS 入口網站上看到我連線的幫浦?

若幫浦配備 GENIUS 功能,會在幫浦開啟電源後,在 Genius 入口網站上立即上線。

7. 我在 GENIUS 入口網站能看到什麼?

在 GENIUS 入口網站上,您可以全天候存取下列內容:

幫浦參數與狀態,顯示運作電流、壓力、電源、震動* 概況的趨勢圖。



─ 嚴重警示與建議的緊急應對措施

─ 幫浦的可用性與運作時間,以支援應對生產需求的動作

─ 能源消耗與 CO2 排放,以實現成本效益和永續性目標

─ 在到期前的保養維護通知,以便規劃成本支出與機器停機時間。


─ 即時報告與排程每月報告

─ WhatsApp 通知管道,讓您快速知悉潛在問題

─ 若幫浦配備的控制器支援,可進行遠端軟體更新,這可避免客戶端的額外維修保養成本,並讓幫浦隨時以頂尖效能運作。

- 透過 VPN 存取技術支援與實用工具,為您節省時間 

8. 我可以要求 GENIUS 入口網站的示範嗎?

是的,請聯絡您的服務供應商,瞭解 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 入口網站如何協助您更有效地利用真空幫浦,並以更低廉的總體持有成本運作。

9. 我該如何要求連線幫浦?


10. 連線至 GENIUS 入口網站時,我的幫浦資料是否安全?

所有資料都會從幫浦安全地傳輸到 GENIUS 入口網站,其中採用了以下技術:

- 資料傳輸憑證,例如在 LAN 連線使用橢圓曲線 – ECC

- 所有資料通訊在傳入/傳出 GENIUS 入口網站時都會加密

- 私密金鑰通訊協定

- 私密 APN,更高的安全性控制與 IP 定址

- 透過使用者驗證的安全入口網站存取

11. GENIUS 會如何處理從我幫浦收集的資料?

• 從您的幫浦收集到的資料將安全地儲存在 GENIUS 雲端,我們會在與您持續保持關係的情況下,或是達到收集資料之目的所需的期間保留資料。

• GENIUS 會使用資料情報提供客製化的保養維修與機器最佳化建議,為客戶節省成本與時間。

• GENIUS 絕不會將從連線之幫浦收集到的資料分享給第三方。

如需更多詳細資料,請查看客戶通知,在存取 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 入口網站時,系統在要求您提供使用者權限時,即會顯示此訊息。

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