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Leybold UK to present at IFE Manufacturing 2022

Take your food and packaging process to the next level.

March 1, 2022

Leybold UK to present at IFE Manufacturing 2022

Leybold UK will be joining IFE Manufacturing, 21 to 23 March 2022 at ExCeL London, where experts will be standing by to guide you though the world of vacuum and help take your food and packaging process to the next level.

Global supply chains require more durability

Efficient, hygienic food processing under vacuum is also gaining in importance for other reasons: In the age of global supply chains, shelf life requirements are increasing. In view of this trend, customer-specific vacuum solutions are fundamental to the profitability of companies. Leybold has been producing the technologies for the quality control of packaging for decades. For example, leak tightness is being tested in a vacuum more and more often because only leak detectors such as the devices in the PHOENIX series meet the highest testing standards. Mass spectrometers used in food analysis also use the performance of modern, noise-reduced pumps such as the ECODRY plus.

Innovative processes in food processing
Vacuum baking offers advantages for system manufacturers, producers, bakeries and consumers alike: Customers can enjoy freshly baked goods with an optimal shape almost around the clock; Significant savings are possible in sales and production. In addition, energy consumption and logistics costs are reduced, supported by optimized efficiency of the pumps used here, such as the SOGEVAC or DRYVAC. Depending on the design of the system, process savings of up to 50 percent can be achieved, also made possible by the shortest cooling times and storage space reductions. Ultimately, these modernizations result in better food safety in the process.

Benefits for everyone involved
The bottom line is that the modern vacuum technology from Leybold opens up an increase in quality and productivity - even in the rough vacuum range, vacuum pumps such as the CLAWAC offer special product properties. The extremely robust design of these pumps allows them to be used in demanding applications; Process gases contaminated with dust and vapors can also be conveyed. Modern vacuum technology exploits the potential for improvement in terms of production, infrastructure, personnel deployment, logistics costs and energy consumption. Variable combination options, such as the oil-sealed SOGEVAC and RUVAC pumps with the modern oil-free, dry-compressing DRYVAC pumps offer proven reliability. Appropriate technical concepts that ensure optimized process stability round off Leybold's range. 

Visitors to IFE Manufacturing, ExCel London from 21 to 23 March 2022 can obtain further information on the use of vacuum technology in all applications from Leybold UK Stand 1440.

Media contact:
Debbie Thompson
Marketing & Communications Manager
Leybold UK Ltd
Unit 9 Silverglade Business Park
Leatherhead Road, Chessington, KT9 2QL, UK
[email protected]
T: +44(0) 1372 737 329

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